Getting Started

How to Build Your Virtual Team for Australian Businesses

As the business landscape evolves, more Australian businesses are turning to virtual assistants to streamline operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Building a virtual team can offer numerous benefits, including access to a global talent pool, flexibility, and scalability. In this guide, we’ll walk you through nine essential steps to successfully build your virtual team and integrate virtual assistants into your Australian business operations. Watch the video below to get started.

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  • 1. Getting Started & Scope
  • 2. Recruitment
  • 3. Onboarding
  • 4. IT & Communications
  • 5. Data Security
  • 6. Hours & Leave
  • 7. Payroll & Invoicing
  • 8. Contracts & Cost
  • 9. Performance Management
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Step 1: Getting Started & Scope

The first step in building your virtual team is to clearly define the scope of work. Identify the tasks and responsibilities you want to delegate to your virtual assistants. This will help you outline job descriptions and set clear expectations from the outset. Determine the skills and qualifications required for the roles you want to fill, ensuring that the tasks align with your business goals.


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Step 2: Recruitment

Our recruitment process ensures that we find the best candidates for your virtual team. We handle advertising, screening, interviewing, and testing potential candidates. This comprehensive process typically takes about two weeks. Throughout this period, you will receive live updates on the campaign’s progress. At the end of the process, we present you with three top candidates for the final interview, allowing you to select the best fit for your team.


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Step 2: Onboarding Support

Once you've selected your virtual assistants, the next step is onboarding. We provide extensive support to ensure a smooth transition. Our onboarding process covers essential areas such as infrastructure setup, communication protocols, and workflow management. This ensures that your new team members are fully equipped and ready to start contributing to your business immediately.


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Step 4: IT & Communications

A successful virtual team requires reliable IT and communication systems. We provide new laptops with all necessary peripherals and software, ensuring that your virtual assistants have the tools they need. Our IT support team is available 24/7 to address any technical issues that may arise. Additionally, we offer telephony services at no extra cost, ensuring seamless communication within your team.


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Step 5: Data Security Measures

Protecting your business data is crucial when building a virtual team. All staff machines are locked and monitored for keystroke and screen activity. Client logins and passwords are securely managed and passed through encryption software to ensure they remain confidential. These measures help safeguard your sensitive information and maintain high data security standards.


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Step 6: Hours & Leave

Our virtual assistants work full-time, 40 hours a week, aligning their schedules with your business hours. They are entitled to sick leave and annual leave, following the same public holiday calendar as your business. This ensures consistency in operations and helps integrate your virtual team seamlessly into your existing workflow.


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Step 7: Payroll & Invoicing

Managing payroll can be time-consuming, but we take care of this process for you. Your virtual assistants are employed full-time through our service, and you are invoiced a flat monthly fee. This simplifies budgeting and financial management, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.


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Step 8: Contracts & Cost

We offer flexible contracts with a no-lock-in agreement, allowing you to build your virtual team without long-term commitments. Our simple 30-day notice period provides you with the flexibility to adjust your team size as needed. This approach ensures that you only pay for the services you require and can scale your team according to your business needs.


Discovery call about your dream virtual team
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Step 9: Performance Management

Effective performance management is key to maintaining a productive virtual team. While you manage your team’s performance directly, we support both staff and clients through regular reviews, coaching, and training sessions. This ongoing support helps ensure that your virtual assistants continue to meet your expectations and contribute positively to your business.


Discovery call about your dream virtual team
We draft the score and PDs for you.
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1. Getting Started & Scope

Let’s discuss your dream Virtual team
We draft the Scope and PD’s for you.
You approve and we get started.

2. Recruitment

We advertise, screen, interview and test It takes 2 weeks You receive live campaign updates 3 candidates presented for final interview

3. Onboarding

We support you with; Infrastructure
Workflow Management

4. IT & Communications

New Laptops with all peripherals required
IT-Support Team available 24x7
All required software and comms
Telephony provide at no cost

5. Data Security

All staff machines are locked Key stroke and screen activity monitoring Client logins and passwords are protected Passed through encryption software

6. Hours & Leave

Staff work fulltime 40-hours a week Staff work your hours Sick and Annual leave entitlements Staff follow your public holiday calendar

7. Payroll & Invoicing

We manage the payroll process
Staff work fulltime for 24x7 Direct
You're invoiced a flat fee monthly

8. Contracts & Cost

We provide a no-lock in Agreement
Simple 30-day notice period

9. Performance Management

Staff performance is managed by you
We support staff and clients through;
Regular reviews, coaching and training

24x7 Direct Mary Ann Redona
Mary Ann Redona
How We Manage Virtual Assistants

Building Your Virtual Team:
A Strategic Advantage

Building your virtual team offers numerous benefits for Australian businesses. It allows you to access a broader talent pool, reduce operational costs, and increase flexibility in managing your workforce. By following these nine steps, you can establish a successful virtual team that enhances your business operations and drives growth.

Find Your Expert Virtual Assistant

Don’t let your to-do list overwhelm you – contact us today to learn more about our virtual assistant services and take the first step towards a more manageable workload! Partner with an Australian BPO Virtual Assistant Agency today by clicking the button below!

Lighting Designer
SEO Specialist
24x7 Direct Mary Ann Redona
Queshamar Guillepa
Collene Brillantes
How We Manage Virtual Assistants
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