Privacy Policy

24×7 Direct Pty Ltd
E: [email protected]

Privacy Policy (‘Policy’)

24×7 Direct is committed to collecting, disclosing and handling personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and Australian Privacy Principles. 24X7 DIRECT respects your right to privacy and understands the importance of dealing with your personal information in a confidential manner.

Collection of Personal Information:

Personal information referred to in this Policy means information, whether true or not, about an individual whose identity can be ascertained from the information. As an outsourced telemarketing organization conducting a range of services on behalf of various organizations, 24X7 DIRECT may collect personal information for itself or on behalf of its clients. Personal information that may be collected includes but is not limited to name (including title, first name and surname), address, contact number(s), and email. 24X7 DIRECT may collect your personal information from other entities, over the phone, through mail, email or our website.

24X7 DIRECT collects personal information by lawful and fair means. At the time of collecting personal information, where it is practicable to do so, 24X7 DIRECT will notify you of various matters required by the law.24X7 DIRECT may collect information that would be classified as sensitive information under the Privacy Act 1988, including but not limited to health information about an individual 24X7 DIRECT will only collect such information with your consent.

Use and purpose

As 24X7 DIRECT is an outsourced organization, the purpose for collecting your information may differ. At the time of collection, you will be informed of the intended purpose of the collection of your personal information. Personal information is only used for its intended purpose and we will not disclose your information for any other purposes unless we have your consent to do so.

Anonymity and pseudonymity

You may wish to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym where it is practicable to do so however we may be unable to deal with your enquiry or request and this may affect our level of service provided to you.

Access and correction

24X7 DIRECT will endeavour to ensure that the information held by it is complete and up to date. If you believe that 24X7 DIRECT holds your personal information and you would like to access this information or would like to update your personal information, please contact E: [email protected]

Data security
24X7 DIRECT will take reasonable steps to ensure that a high level of security is maintained so that your personal information is protected from misuse, loss and unauthorized use or disclosure.
Government identifiers

24X7 DIRECT will not adopt or use government identifiers of an individual for its own purpose however may use an Australian Business Number in applicable circumstances.

Enquiries or Complaints

If you have any questions or complaints regarding our Policy or would like to request for a copy of our Policy in a different format, please contact us. Our contact details are as follows:
Attn: Privacy Officer
24×7 Direct Pty Ltd
25 Ninevah Crescent, Wheelers Hill, VIC 3150
E: [email protected]

Please ensure that you provide sufficient information in your request to us so that we may deal with the matter efficiently. We will endeavour to reply to your requests within fifteen (15) business days of the request being received.

In the case where a complaint is received and has not been resolved in excess of thirty (30) business days, such matters may be referred to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.


This Policy may be reviewed every year and may change from time to time. If there are any changes made to this Policy, we will endeavour to keep you up to date and will make a current version of this Policy available.

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