Hire your Virtual Executive Assistant

va executive assistant

Virtual executive assistants tend to be among the most well-known individuals at work. However, these days, the responsibility of administrative tasks, operating phones, and helping the individuals who run the business can be easily handled online.

What Can You Do With the Virtual Executive Assistant

The better question could be: What is it that they do? If you choose to hire an executive assistant virtual You’ll discover that they are able to perform some of the same tasks as an executive assistant on-site which includes:

  • Administrative duties. Management of your calendar, managing your files, cutting down your inbox of emails, and answering and routing phone calls — each of these tasks does not require an executive assistant on-site to handle the tasks.
  • Scheduling. Do you need to plan an event? A scheduled appointment for you? Virtual Executive Assistants enable you to delegate all these duties.
  • Particularized tasks. Virtual executive assistants should be able to handle the specific tasks your business requires. For instance, there’s the work of a virtual paralegal that needs specific accreditation.
  • project management. A virtual executive assistant can perform the duties of a manager, which demands expertise with particular platforms and specific technical knowledge for every project. They can assist in coordinating team members using messaging platforms or email and ensure that reminders, notifications as well as follow-ups happen when needed.
  • Travel arrangements.
  • Editing and writing. Need a once-over on your rough draft or a second pair of eyes to review the presentation that you’re about to make? Virtual executive assistants are able to review these documents and edit them.
  • Management of remote offices. A virtual executive assistant is able to handle tasks like bookkeeping, invoicing, accounting payable/receivable, payroll.

Common scenarios for the Virtual Executive Assistant

Have trouble thinking about what it would look like in your day-to-day life? Here are some scenarios that may help provide more clarity:

  • Email & Calendar Management: You’d like to set up an appointment with your team members, but it is also necessary to get remote employees on the same team. Instead of playing “inbox tag” throughout the day with several parties, you could transfer this task to an executive assistant whose job is to keep everybody on the exact timeline. In addition, with the assistant handling your calendar and inbox it will be impossible to check your email.
  • Phone Support: You’re trying to keep your workspace free of distractions, however, you’re not going to be indifferent to the calls from your client. A system for phone calls that routes all phone calls to a virtual executive assistant, which means that you don’t need to step away from your work to make the client feel appreciated.
  • Data Entry and Finance Tasks: Year-end planning can get distracting from taking more time off during the holidays and involves some of your least favorite tasks like the entry of data, expense reports, and many others. Delegating this task to an assistant virtual takes away one of the biggest tasks of running a business however, it also ensures that you are able to use your time for what you need to be doing when it is the most important.

Signs You need an Executive Assistant Online

It’s not hard to believe that having an executive assistant won’t help make running your business more smoothly. How do you know whether you’re ready to take on an executive assistant position like this? What are the indications that you’re in dire need of an executive assistant online?

Virtual hiring: The advantages

For many businesses, employing virtual assistants is an option that is less expensive than employing a full-time worker. This is not only about getting rid of the costly benefits of keeping an employee who is full-time on payroll however, it also provides benefits in terms of logistics: you aren’t obligated to have an assistant who is located near your workplace.

The use of a virtual assistant lets you decouple your work from the location you are working in. Instead of relying on an assistant that is tied to an office, you can transfer work to an off-site location. In some instances, it can mean hiring a virtual assistant to work on your project while you rest.

The Increasing Trend in Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants aren’t an exclusive fascination. They’re essential to making work easier for an increasing number of people. 80percent of major businesses are looking to expand their utilization of flexible employees which includes contract workers such as virtual assistants.

Save Money

What is the costs to have an employee? As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics the cost for the employers of $36.61 for an hour during June 2019. This includes more than $25 in hourly wage averages and $11.48 when averaging the cost of benefits.

In the same way, the full-time worker is costly.

Being More Developed

If your business expands and you expand, you’ll hit the same problem that you’re only given only a certain amount of time in the daytime. Whatever you do, you won’t be able to escape this reality. Companies only expand when they recognize that they are able to enhance their efficiency by hiring employees. The benefits of the hiring of virtual assistants help to the general capacity of your business however, it also will make the time you spend in the office more productive.

However “more efficient” isn’t clear. What are some ways to use virtual assistants to improve your business?

  • Improved performance. Let’s say you have many potential customers to follow up with, at least, when it comes to providing the personal touch that your business takes such satisfaction. Virtual assistants can help bring that human touch back to your business, without requiring you to give up more of your time.
  • Enhancing communication. Having a virtual assistant act as an interface for multiple individuals can not only help to connect remote workers together but also improve communication, even in large corporations with a large number of workers on-site.
  • Enhancing follow-ups. If your company is growing one of the most difficult tasks to complete is follow-up with leads and potential customers. There is not only too many things to track and keep track of, but your inbox may become a mess of conversations that have not been completed. The outsourcing of this task to an executive assistant online can be a huge increase in your productivity and capacity to remain in contact.

How to Begin Using The Virtual Executive Assistant of Your Virtual Executive Assistant

Let’s say that you’re certain. You’re aware that the virtual assistant can enhance your efficiency and assist in helping your business grow, not to mention making your daily life more enjoyable. There’s only one question: what’s next?

If you find the process to be daunting initially, bear in mind that these are just the first step you must break down into smaller pieces. Once you’ve got the virtual helper working for you, you’ll see improvements in productivity as well as the availability of time. The challenge is to do it as efficiently as is possible. Here are some of our suggestions:

  • Sign up for an account!
  • Meet with a customer service manager. This will make sure that the rest of the procedures go smoothly.
  • Find a VA. Before you think about training an executive VA to your staff, you’ll need to work with someone who is skilled and experienced to deal with whatever you can give them.
  • Connect the VA into your company. Make sure to let the VA know what procedures they’ll need to be involved in, and ensure that you’ve got a document that outlines the most important actions to be taken to accommodate the VA to the needs of your business. Read here for more details.

24x7direct is a Leading Australian Virtual Staffing Agency. Medium to Large Businesses has been able to overcome their difficulties and achieve their goals through our access to top talent and flexible business solutions. Contact us if you’re interested in outsourcing a virtual executive assistant.

Why Choose Us?

24x7Direct aligns with the factors that businesses typically look for in a virtual staffing agency. With our expertise, flexible services, effective communication, quality assurance, and robust data security measures, we aim to provide businesses with skilled professionals, customizable solutions, clear communication channels, performance reviews, and data confidentiality. We understand the importance of meeting businesses’ needs and helping them achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. At 24x7Direct, we strive to be a reliable virtual staffing agency that businesses can trust and rely on for their staffing needs. 

Services We Offer

At 24x7Direct, we are experts across industries and provide customizable virtual staffing solutions, including virtual assistants, customer support, data entry, and more. We ensure quality, security, and effective communication to support small businesses in achieving their goals. 

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virtual assistants, virtual staff, virtual staffing
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