5 reasons for Outsourcing Customer Service for eCommerce

Outsource customer service for ecommerce

There’s also the market which saw a massive growth rate within the span of a second as the majority of the global population was stuck in their homes, namely eCommerce.

The eCommerce boom

Online shopping has increased during the time of the pandemic is an understatement. It was reported by the United Nations shared that the worldwide eCommerce market has exploded by $26.7 trillion in the wake of COVID-19 and with those in emerging economies being among those who have made the biggest change to shopping online. The report outlines this in COVID-19 as well as the E-Commerce report: The Global Review report by UNCTAD and eTrade:

  • Latin America’s marketplace online Mercado Libre sold twice as many items for the first quarter of 2020, compared to the same timeframe in 2019.
  • African eCommerce platform Jumia announced the growth of 50% in transactions in the initial six-month period of 2020.
  • China’s share of online retail sales grew from 19.4 percent to 24.6 percent between August 2019 and August 2020.
  • The proportion of the retail market in Kazakhstan increased from 5 percent in the year 2019 to 9.4 percent in 2020 and
  • Thailand saw the number of downloads for shopping apps rise by 60 percent in just one week in March 2020.

Although this growth is certainly lauded by individual business owners, however, it has also brought new challenges. Cybersecurity needs, the demand for increased bandwidth, and supply chain disruptions are just some of the problems that have popped up in their heads and the immense pressure these demands have placed upon one of the vital elements of every eCommerce business – customer support.

Customer support matters

The most successful eCommerce companies have a specific strategy to offer the customer service and support that their customers need regardless of whether they are using live chat, contact centers, or any other channel. A loyal customer base is the core of any business’s success and is more than providing a high-quality product. Companies that invest in customer service are above their competition. in the era of limited resources, it’s never been more crucial to know the method they use to make that investment.

Customers with more customers mean more support, and that means more people to offer it. The cost of hiring these local employees is turning out to be an issue for eCommerce businesses of all sizes this is the reason why more and more are shifting to outsourcing companies that specialize in customer service services. Utilizing a third party to manage inquiries or issues, respond to them, and create positive relationships relieve a significant burden off the shoulders of an individual, particularly for those who are just starting out as eCommerce entrepreneurs on a budget.

Why outsourcing customer support is beneficial

Many eCommerce companies put off outsourcing their customer service requirements until they have become difficult. After trying to keep the status quo despite the growing number of orders They find themselves struggling to handle the increasing volume of inquiries as well as follow-ups and requests and soon find themselves facing an ever-growing quantity of unsatisfied clients. Effective managers are aware that an approach that is proactive to outsourcing can bring many benefits such as:

  1. A service that is memorable: while customers may ultimately forget a service or its features in particular, however, most will remember the service they received. Outsourcing providers have a lot of money invested in providing the best service. Online customers are constantly looking for answers to their problems and it is the eCommerce companies that can resolve these issues promptly and efficiently that will be remembered in memory for the proper reasons. High-quality customer service shouldn’t remain in the hands of chance. outsourcing companies ensure that this is not the case since they make it their top priority.
  2. 24/7 accessibility: one of eCommerce’s most attractive aspects is the capability to allow customers to shop at any time they’d like. more than 58% of customers opt to shop on the internet instead of shopping because they can shop anytime, anywhere. This is also true for getting customer support, as well as outsourcing, which can allow businesses to answer simple inquiries after hours and on weekends without having to pay an enormous amount of money in penalty fees. It’s impossible to not satisfy the desires and needs of customers even when you’re not.
  3. Builds reputation digital age of social media has given consumers a previously unheard-of power to express their displeasure about the brand, its products, and services. This is especially true for customer support and a lot of consumers are not shy about publicly blaming an eCommerce business when its response to an inquiry or complaint is not up to par with their expectations. The outsourcing of customer support functions to professionals ensures that customers’ interactions do not cause negative feedback on the internet and also run the risk of affecting the potential of future sales.
  4. Problems that can be minimized: even the world’s most capable brands face adversity from unhappy customers every now and then. The most important thing is how they handle these issues. Great customer support is about reducing the negative consequences of such issues and ensuring that customers believe their voice was heard, not only less likely to trigger more problems but also having they also have the potential to become advocates for the company. Partnering with the best outsourcing eCommerce solutions provider will make sure that customers are happy and can even reduce the need for problem resolution.
  5. The best utilization of resources: dealing with customer inquiries could be an essential part of life in business, but it shouldn’t be the primary goal of an eCommerce business owner’s life. outsourcing customer support lets executives and internal personnel focus on the most important tasks, such as the development of products and sales strategies. The ability to delegate less time-consuming and repetitive demanding tasks to expert external service providers means that more time and time can be devoted to growing the business.

Outsourced eCommerce solutions

One reason outsourcing to eCommerce is that the industry doesn’t operate according to a single-size-fits-all approach. For customer service, outsourcing companies can help entire teams working under the direction of a Team Manager or determine specific tasks that will aid in meeting the company’s unique requirements. Starting from Helpdesk as well as technical support personnel to Inbound (customer requests feedback, complaints, and inquiries) as well as Outbound Services (contacting customers with promotions, reminders for bills as well as satisfaction surveys) outsourcing eCommerce solution providers play crucial roles in bringing smiles to the faces of customers – and, consequently their faces of business owners.

Why Choose Us?

24x7Direct aligns with the factors that businesses typically look for in a virtual staffing agency. With our expertise, flexible services, effective communication, quality assurance, and robust data security measures, we aim to provide businesses with skilled professionals, customizable solutions, clear communication channels, performance reviews, and data confidentiality. We understand the importance of meeting businesses’ needs and helping them achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. At 24x7Direct, we strive to be a reliable virtual staffing agency that businesses can trust and rely on for their staffing needs. 

Services We Offer

At 24x7Direct, we are experts across industries and provide customizable virtual staffing solutions, including virtual assistants, customer support, data entry, and more. We ensure quality, security, and effective communication to support small businesses in achieving their goals. 

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