Strategies to Delegate Better and Get More Done

delegation of tasks

Delegating is a key component of productivity, whether you are a leader or an entrepreneur. It will help you stay focused and productive even when there are tight deadlines. Many leaders and entrepreneurs don’t know how or aren’t willing to do it unless necessary.

Like any skill, delegation is something that can be learned and improved over time. These seven delegation strategies can be put into practice to increase efficiency in your organization.

1. Learn to let go.

Most new leaders and bosses have a hard time letting go of their work. Sometimes, they are so focused on their work that they refuse help from others. Sometimes they worry that no one else has the necessary skills and abilities to do the job effectively.

No matter what the situation, let go. You can start small by delegating the smallest tasks and then work your way up. You will improve your trust and relationships with your team members. If you want your team’s success, take baby steps.

2. Set up a system of priorities.

Start to create a prioritizing system for tasks as part of the letting go process. This system will be different depending on your industry and your experience, but at least four categories should be created. Each category should reflect the effort required and level of skill. You should keep the most skilled tasks on your plate and assign them to others. You should consider the effort required to complete a task. Delegating a low-skilled, high-effort task to someone else will help you save a lot of time.

A firm priority system can help you to understand the nature and scope of your tasks, and allow you to delegate effectively.

3. Respect your employees’ strengths.

You must learn about the personalities of your team members to be a good leader. Each person’s strengths and weaknesses should be known, along with their potential range of skills. Take a look at the team before you delegate tasks. Although it seems obvious, leaders often delegate tasks to the person with the easiest or lightest workload.

Consistency is also important. Delegating the same task to an individual will increase their ability to do the tasks.

4. Include instructions.

Even if you think the task is straightforward, you should always include instructions for each task that you delegate. Include any preferences you have for the way the assignment is done. Be clear if you have specific deadlines or milestones that you must meet.

It will help you to execute your tasks efficiently and avoid communication gaps by providing clear instructions and details from the beginning. This proactive approach is one that you and your employees will both appreciate.

5. Do not be afraid to learn new skills.

You don’t have to be able to do the task yourself if there isn’t someone in your team who can. Many skills can be learned, some more quickly than others. Don’t be afraid of teaching as part of the delegation.

Although the first tasks you assign will take longer than you think (since you will need to train your employee), it is worth it. You’ll save time by transferring your skills to others, and you’ll save more time in the long term.

6. Be trustworthy, but be sure to verify.

Trust your teammate to complete the task on their own terms once it has been delegated. This will allow each person to approach the work in the best way possible. You shouldn’t be afraid of occasionally stepping in to verify that the task progresses as planned. If you have an assignment due tomorrow that was completed a week ago, don’t be afraid to send a quick verification email so that the employee knows that everything is in order.

This will encourage trust and respect in your team, and prevent communication and understanding breakdowns.

7. To improve delegation, use feedback loops.

Let your workers know if they have performed well on a task that you gave them. You can publicly thank them for their efforts and offer genuine praise. Don’t be afraid of constructive criticism if they fail to do well.

Invite your workers to give their opinions on how you delegate. It’s an opportunity for you to assess whether you are providing enough information or if you’re giving the right tasks to the right people.

Although delegation isn’t always easy and it isn’t always straightforward, you will soon be able to effectively delegate the task. You will not be perfect but you can learn from your mistakes and make improvements.


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