Why Philippines?

The Philippines has become a major offshoring market owing to increased business expansion and cost-effective labour solutions. It has also become a significant option to offshore to with the most popular services including IT, digital marketing, and customer services.

 The Philippines has become an increasingly popular choice for offshoring as businesses continue to expand. In 2015 in the BPO sector, an approximate 1.15 million employees were placed with research indicating annual rises of up to 17%. The growth and the prowess of business in the Philippines has made this country one of the top choices for offshoring.

Benefits of Offshoring to the Philippines

Over the last 20 years, offshoring has become a sought-after professional service across the globe. The Philippines is most favourable because of its incredible business expansion over the last few years and the environment it provides for businesses to thrive. A look at the reasons to offshore to the Philippines can help make effective business decisions.

Manageable Costs

Offshoring companies in the Philippines has become a popular because of its lower operational costs. Many of the professionals that are sourced from the Philippines, including high level degrees and educational certificates, offer the company expertise and skill without the costs that would be incurred in a Western country. For a start-up or a small business looking to expand and have professionals manage its daily operations, offshoring can provide financial relief and ease the burden of its daily processes. It is especially beneficial when the costs for offshoring can be afforded and better managed. This provides the business more time to focus on its core processes and ensure that it has the capital to reach its bottom line. It is important for any business to work towards reducing its operational and overhead costs. By offshoring specific services, your business can save on the expense of employee wages and benefits.

Reliance On Skilled And Educated Staff

The Philippines has been recognised as a country with the highest levels of skilled workforce and educated individuals. It has a high literacy rate and every year a multitude of men and women successfully graduate with recognized degrees. The talent and the skill possessed by many graduates have been considered diverse and flexible making it easier to find individuals to fit within an offshored service.


The Philippines is not only recognized for its education and favourable conditions but has also become a target for the advancement and introduction of new technologies. With the infrastructure available it becomes easier to obtain the necessary services that prove reliable and effective in delivering the professional solutions that are needed for offshoring.

How 24×7 Direct Can Help You

With 24×7 Direct you receive assistance by talented, educated and trained individuals offering a high standard of offshored service solutions. Our focus is on providing efforts to meet your bottom line while minimizing unnecessary expenses and time wastage. We ensure the necessary steps are taken to provide your business with the support that it deserves.

Talk To Us

You can book a call through our calendar and we’ll explain the whole process. We are based in Australia with all our staff based in the Philippines and have clients across the globe.

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