Offshoring for Small Business

Offshoring for small businesses

Organisations across Australia face a number of challenges as they seek to become more competitive and hold onto their market share. For example, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to attract and retain staff, many of whom are simply looking for the next best opportunity. Overhead costs continue to grow, and this places an additional challenge on the owner or manager of the company, who has to look for ways to decrease expenditure while still maintaining proficiency. It’s little wonder that companies are desperately looking for alternatives, as they chase not just profitability, but relevance in their marketplace. Here are some tips about offshoring for small businesses.

Under Pressure

If you find yourself in this position and are charged with the responsibility of growing your business under this type of pressure, you should consider every option and should certainly look at offshore staffing. This strategy has become very popular in recent years and an increasing number of businesses such as yours have to choose an offshore staffing agency in the Philippines. What exactly is offshoring and why is the Philippines the perfect location for this service?

Offshoring Explained

Offshoring is a viable alternative to the traditional staffing process. It can help an organisation streamline and significantly decrease the costs associated with staffing while opening up a range of professional services to the client.

Ideal Setup

The general concept of a virtual assistant is not new and many organisations have been outsourcing their call centre operations to countries such as India for some years now. However, the Philippines has grown to become the country of choice for a variety of different offshoring staffing solutions, quite apart from call centre functionality.

Perfect Environment

Tens of thousands of people are employed in the offshoring industry in the Philippines, a string of islands located in Southeast Asia. The country provides the perfect environment for this type of operation as well and the Philippines is the ideal choice for your needs for a variety of different reasons.

Higher Education

To begin with, the educational system in the Philippines is very advanced and often mirrors Western society. Many people from the talent pool have a university education and the government sponsors a number of courses that are specifically targeted to help students gain crucial and relevant skills.

Technologically Astute

The Philippines has a young population and many of these youngsters are technologically astute. They understand how to use this technical knowledge as they provide business solutions for companies such as yours and they are ready to implement with little in the way of additional training.


This is very essential in offshoring for small businesses. English is the official language in the Philippines, which makes it easy to communicate with any outsourced staff. Consequently, language is never a barrier between client and worker and staff members are fully versed in any relevant tech “speak.”

Cost Reduction

Cost saving is one of the biggest advantages associated with offshoring to the Philippines. The price of labour is around half of that of Australia, as the cost of living in this Asian nation is remarkably low. Consequently, staff members are perfectly happy to work for the price offered and this can represent a huge saving for the offshoring for small business owners versus the cost of Australian talent.


Some people worry that they are taking advantage of “cheap labour” but nothing is further from the truth. Filipinos have full access to everyday amenities and enjoy a great quality-of-life. As they are happy with their daily work, they tend to stay within their family unit and close to their friends. They are perfectly happy and indeed honoured to do the work and are some of the most reliable people on the planet.


When you consider BPO Companies in the Philippines you can expect to receive high-quality work in return. Each worker is dedicated and fully understands that you have a choice when it comes to outsourced staff. In turn, they will go out of their way to provide you with efficiency and quality in order to continue their involvement.

Cultural Similarity

Unlike other Asian countries, the Philippines has a close affinity with Western culture due to its history and heritage. After all, the Philippines was a former colony of the US and Spain in the distant past and families today infuse many aspects of Western culture and media into their everyday life. This makes it a lot easier for Australian companies to work directly with Filipino staff members as they talk the same language in more ways than one.

Privacy and Security

You may be worried about data privacy or security as this is, of course, an ever-present threat. The Filipino government has stringent regulations in place to ensure that privacy standards are well up to international levels, to help protect any confidential data.

Lower Liability

As you may know, in-house staff members can sometimes present additional challenges to an employer. You may become the subject of a time-consuming and sometimes frivolous lawsuit and you may be open to other types of legal liability in this way. When you offshore your work instead, you’re working with independent contractors and as such, many of these issues disappear.

Leaner and More Flexible

When you offshore to the Philippines, you can reduce your in-house staffing costs and take advantage of service-based delivery instead. Your company will be much more flexible, and this will enable you to be more competitive in your marketplace. Furthermore, you will be able to expand more rapidly when needed by simply adding additional offshore services and this will help you to rise above your competitors.

In Summary

Always remember that offshoring for small business, Filipinos are highly skilled, university educated and well-trained. They understand how to perform and work to tight deadlines. Crucially, offshoring can help you to cut your costs significantly and worry less about staff member retention.

Your Partner

Offshoring for small businesses? 24×7 Direct is your perfect partner as you seek to outsource your work to the Philippines. Our staff in the Philippines can handle a variety of different tasks including general administration, offshore outsourcing & bookkeeping, executive assistance, inbound or outbound calls, travel booking and accounts. Let’s talk about how we can provide you with an offshoring solution to perfectly meet your needs.

Why Choose Us?

24x7Direct aligns with the factors that businesses typically look for in a virtual staffing agency. With our expertise, flexible services, effective communication, quality assurance, and robust data security measures, we aim to provide businesses with skilled professionals, customizable solutions, clear communication channels, performance reviews, and data confidentiality. We understand the importance of meeting businesses’ needs and helping them achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. At 24x7Direct, we strive to be a reliable virtual staffing agency that businesses can trust and rely on for their staffing needs. 

Services We Offer

At 24x7Direct, we are experts across industries and provide customizable virtual staffing solutions, including virtual assistants, customer support, data entry, and more. We ensure quality, security, and effective communication to support small businesses in achieving their goals. 

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